Category Archives: Windows 10
Windows: View web sites in full screen mode
Did you know that you can view web sites in full screen mode?
Fix: PIN logon disabled on domain connected PC’s
You are unable to set a PIN when your Windows 10 PC is connected to a domain, Your domain controller is based on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Fix: Domain connected Windows 10 no longer sync settings
"In the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, domain joined users who connected their Microsoft Account (MSA) could roam settings and data between Windows devices. Many IT Pros told us that this functionality was not consistent with their policies for managing information owned by the organization. They did not want their PCs roaming to an individual’s personal cloud. A group policy to prevent users from connecting their MSAs did and does exist, but this setting also prevents users from easily accessing their personal Microsoft services. To address IT Pro concerns, we removed the ability for domain joined machines to roam with an MSA. Enterprises can still enable Enterprise State Roaming with Azure Active Directory."
Windows IOT Restart and Shutdown Code Example
Windows 10 IOT
Code snippet for Shutdown and Restart of Windows 10 Core on Devices.
How do I: Copy my Audio CD to my Zune Library and burn an Audio CD?
This article discusses how to rip your audio CD's into your music library and then burn a duplicate copy of the album.
Windows 10 get volume GUID’s
Sometimes you need to know the disk drives GUID.
We show how to get the GUID of volumes on Windows Operating Systems.
Perform bare metal recovery with WBAdmin
To perform bare metal recovery, you need to open a CMD command prompt in Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE). If you cannot boot into WinRE, you can use a Windows installation disc or recovery drive used for disaster recovery.
Create backups with WBAdmin command
Generally to create a backup that is capable of performing a bare metal recovery to the same or dissimilar hardware requires a paid third party application per machine or expensive licenses for multiple machines in the same organisation or even more expensive licenses for technicians. However this article shows how you can perform a backup based on the WBAdmin command available in the Windows operating system.
Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts
Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts to improve productivity
Fix: Windows 10 fails to index Settings and Control Panel Items on Domain connected computers.
On computers which have been connected to a Domain you will find that search fails to return results for Settings and Control Panel items and displays a message that search results are incomplete.