Category Archives: Microsoft

Microsoft Articles

Fix: Domain connected Windows 10 no longer sync settings

"In the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, domain joined users who connected their Microsoft Account (MSA) could roam settings and data between Windows devices.  Many IT Pros told us that this functionality was not consistent with their policies for managing information owned by the organization. They did not want their PCs roaming to an individual’s personal cloud. A group policy to prevent users from connecting their MSAs did and does exist, but this setting also prevents users from easily accessing their personal Microsoft services.  To address IT Pro concerns, we removed the ability for domain joined machines to roam with an MSA.  Enterprises can still enable Enterprise State Roaming with Azure Active Directory."

SBS2011 MSSQLMonitoring Database at maximum limits

Under certain circumstances, the database may become unusable, when this happens you can experience behaviors like the SBS console crashing, or incorrectly reporting the status of machines. When this happens there might be a need to create a new, blank, database to regain functionality. Since all the information collected is dynamic, by creating a new database you would lose only any custom reports you may have created in the SBS Console, report customizations, and all the archived reports. Furthermore, upon recreating the database, it will need some time to contact all clients and report on their status, this time may vary, since clients may be offline, it is recommended to wait 48hrs before trying to validate the data.

Create backups with WBAdmin command

Generally to create a backup that is capable of performing a bare metal recovery to the same or dissimilar hardware requires a paid third party application per machine or expensive licenses for multiple machines in the same organisation or even more expensive licenses for technicians. However this article shows how you can perform a backup based on the WBAdmin command available in the Windows operating system.